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About run_query macro

The run_query macro provides a convenient way to run queries and fetch their results. It is a wrapper around the statement block, which is more flexible, but also more complicated to use.


  • query: The SQL query to execute

Returns a Table object with the result of the query. If the specified query does not return results (eg. a DDLData Definition Language (DDL) is a group of SQL statements that you can execute to manage database objects, including tables, views, and more., DMLData Manipulation Language (DML) is a class of SQL statements that are used to query, edit, add and delete row-level data from database tables or views. The main DML statements are SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE., or maintenance query), then the return value will be none.

Note: The run_query macro will not begin a transaction automatically - if you wish to run your query inside of a transaction, please use begin and commit statements as appropriate.

Using run_query for the first time?

Check out the section of the Getting Started guide on using Jinja for an example of working with the results of the run_query macro!

Example Usage:

{% set results = run_query('select 1 as id') %}
{% do results.print_table() %}

-- do something with `results` here...
{% macro run_vacuum(table) %}

{% set query %}
vacuum table {{ table }}
{% endset %}

{% do run_query(query) %}
{% endmacro %}

Here's an example of using this (though if you're using run_query to return the values of a column, check out the get_column_values macro in the dbt-utils package).


{% set payment_methods_query %}
select distinct payment_method from app_data.payments
order by 1
{% endset %}

{% set results = run_query(payment_methods_query) %}

{% if execute %}
{# Return the first column #}
{% set results_list = results.columns[0].values() %}
{% else %}
{% set results_list = [] %}
{% endif %}

{% for payment_method in results_list %}
sum(case when payment_method = '{{ payment_method }}' then amount end) as {{ payment_method }}_amount,
{% endfor %}
sum(amount) as total_amount
from {{ ref('raw_payments') }}
group by 1

You can also use run_query to perform SQL queries that aren't select statements.

{% macro run_vacuum(table) %}

{% set query %}
vacuum table {{ table }}
{% endset %}

{% do run_query(query) %}
{% endmacro %}

Use the length filter to verify whether run_query returned any rows or not. Make sure to wrap the logic in an if execute block to avoid unexpected behavior during parsing.

{% if execute %}
{% set results = run_query(payment_methods_query) %}
{% if results|length > 0 %}
-- do something with `results` here...
{% else %}
-- do fallback here...
{% endif %}
{% endif %}